Terms & Conditions
Pure Living Pilates Studio Policies
Prior to commencing your first class at Pure Living Pilates you must complete the New Client Questionnaire.
We kindly ask that you turn off your mobile phone before entering the studio to avoid interruptions to you and others during their sessions.
Please bring a towel with you to use on the equipment, socks and a bottle of water to class with you.
We sell grip socks if you need them as they are easier to wear on the equipment during your Pilates session.
Purchase/ Expiry & cancellation policies
Advance payment is required to sign up for classes. Appointments can be made online on our class times page or if you prefer to do it over the phone you can give us a call or email.
All Introductory New Client 2 class and 3 class offers expire 10 days after the first class is redeemed. After your purchase of the package you must redeem your first class within One month of purchase
All Ten class packs expire 3 months after the first class is redeemed. After your purchase of the package you must redeem your first class within One month of purchase
All Five class packs expire 21 days after the first class is redeemed. After your purchase of the package you must redeem your first class within One month of purchase
All Weekly / 6 month packages have recurring payments via direct debit on the same day each week as the first payment. Each payment will allocate your classes for the next week to be used.(ie. One class or Two or Three depending on which package you have purchased) If you do not use these classes up that week, you can make them up within 14 DAYS of the payment for those classes that week before they expire and you lose that class.
We accept cash and EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) as well as MasterCard and Visa and direct debit. You will be charged a fee of 2.8% on all Credit and debit transactions.
A 24 hour notice of cancellation is required should you wish to cancel your scheduled class. Cancelling with less than 24 hours notice will result in a charge for the full price of the appointed class. You will forfeit that class for that week. However if you reschedule before the 24-hour notice period then you will of course not get charged and will be able to make the class up for that week.
Should you wish to reschedule your appointment please log in to your account online and cancel the class before signing up for the next class.
If you become ill or injured and have been advised by a physician to temporarily discontinue training, you will be able to place your payments on hold for six months, as these are special circumstances. However, Pilates is the best way to recover so we hope you do not need to stop attending classes for that long.
In the case of last-minute instructor illness or emergency, we will make every effort to inform you as soon as possible and try to reschedule your class appointment.
6 Months Package Agreement Terms and Conditions
This is an important document, which affects your legal rights and obligations. If you have any questions please ask before you sign.
1. Package Term Package term is 6 months from sign up date as per your Agreement with Pure Living Pilates. Your upfront weekly payment will be debited at the time of purchase for one week in advance and will be routinely debited from your account on the same day of each week. After the term is completed (6 months), this Agreement will auto-renew – in order for package charges to discontinue after minimum term is completed, customer must cancel their package (see below).
All Weekly / 6 month packages have recurring payments via direct debit on the same day each week as the first payment. Each payment will allocate your classes for the next week to be used.(ie. One class or Two or Three depending on which package you have purchased) If you do not use these classes up that week, you can make them up within 14 DAYS of the payment for those classes that week before they expire and you lose that class.
2. Suspensions, Transfers, and Cancellations Package agreements may be suspended at no charge. Customers with a 6-month package term may suspend their agreed term for a total of four weeks at no charge to them and up to 4 weeks extra at 50% of the agreed fortnightly fee. Suspensions must be taken in one week increments.
Suspension Terms outlined:
Suspensions must be taken in whole weeks
The entire suspension availability may be taken in one go, or incrementally throughout the term of the package
Time on suspension does not count towards your minimum term time. All suspension time taken is added to the end date of your minimum term (6 or months).
Cancellation Terms outlined: Customers may cancel their package agreement if it is cancelled after the agreed minimum term of six months. The agreed minimum term required to be completed for the six month package is 6 months before the cancellation of package agreement will be accepted. Pure Living Pilates will require two weeks written notification of request for cancellation if you wish to terminate your agreement before the six month period, these two weeks will be charged and you can use the classes for these last weeks before the contract is terminated. ALSO The cancelation fee for early termination of the debit agreement is $200 on top of the two week notice payments.
In the event that customers have written medical notice that an extended suspension or immediate cancellation must take place, Pure Living Pilates will honour such recommendations and no penalties or cancellation fees will be charged and we will freeze your package payments for up to a period of six months. All suspensions and cancellations requests must be given with at least two week’s notice before they can commence. Requests must be given via email to Pure Living Pilates (info@purelivingpilates.com.au)
Late Cancellations & No Shows If a Member “late cancels” (within 24 hours of the class start time), or “no shows” for a booked class that class will be forfeited. If the Member cancels outside of the 24 hour notice cancellation period they will be able to rebook that class at within 14 days of the payment for that week. If you have not booked that make up class or classes within 14 days those classes will be forfeited.
3. Code of Conduct Customers must conduct themselves in such a manner as to allow all customers, guests and staff quiet enjoyment of the studio. All are asked to turn off their mobile phones whilst in the studio, and to not answer if one rings. In consideration for others, please observe appropriate hygiene practices including the use of deodorant and a towel to wipe down equipment after use and socks.
4. Public Holidays and Timetable. Pure Living Pilates may be closed on all public holidays. A reduced class schedule may be applied over holiday periods. Pure Living Pilates reserves the right to close the studio on days next to public holidays or as needed, be it for studio refurbishment or otherwise. The timetable may be changed without notice (i.e. teacher cannot make class). However, Pure Living Pilates staff will make the best effort to communicate any and all changes to the timetable via the website and/or email with as much notice as possible. Pure Living Pilates will be closed Two weeks per year over the Christmas period and this is factored into your membership price. If we choose to close the studio any longer or at any other time during the year, plenty of notice will be given and your 6 month package will be frozen during this time.
5. Customer’s Assumption of Risk I agree to enter and use all the facilities of Pure Living Pilates entirely at my own risk. I acknowledge that the activity I am to undertake is a strenuous activity and that by participating in it I am exposed to certain risks. I acknowledge and understand that whilst participating in such an activity: I may be injured and that my personal property may be lost or damaged. Other persons participating in such activity may cause me injury, or may damage my property. I may cause damage to other persons, or damage their property. The conditions under which the activity is conducted may vary without warning, and/or there may be inadequate facilities for treatment or transport of me if I am injured. By signing this document you hereby release Pure Living Pilates, its employees and customers from any claim for personal injury sustained whilst in the studio. You hereby acknowledge that you use the premises and all its facilities at your own risk.
6. Medical Certificate For legal purposes, customers with past or current injuries, which could possibly be rehabilitated through Pilates and/or yoga, are required to supply a medical referral from a professional practitioner stating recommendation and acknowledgement of the injuries. The medical certificate needs to state the nature of the injury.
7. Age Limitations Where the participant is under 18 years of age, their parent or legal guardian must consent to the person named in this Agreement, Acknowledgement and Release participating in the activity. They are aware of the risks, dangers and obligations set out above in this acknowledgement and release. In consideration of the person named in this Agreement, Acknowledgement and Release being accepted to participate in the activity, they release and indemnify the fitness centre; Pure Living Pilates operator in the same manner and to the same effect and extent as if they were the person named in this Agreement and the person participating in this activity. In consideration of the person named in this Agreement, Acknowledgement and Release, they accept liability for payment of all fees related to the Package Agreement as if they were the person first named in this Agreement.
8. Fees Fees are as specified in the Edebit online contract that you sign and the package that you have purchased from Pure Living Pilates for the agreed number of classes per week and price per week for the package. Pure Living Pilates may at any time, upon written or verbal notice to the customer’s last known email address and 14 days’ notice, increase the weekly payment amount.
9. Credit/Debt Reporting Pure Living Pilates reserves the right to report default payments to debt collection agencies in the event past due payments exceed a period of three months. Debt reporting will only be made after two written notices to the customer’s last known email address have been sent.
I agree to the terms and conditions stated above and in my membership choice agreement online. I understand that failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement may result in the suspension or cancellation of my package agreement, or in financial penalties. For legal purposes, Pure Living Pilates (ABN 84 178 301 026), requires all customers with past or current injuries, which could possibly be rehabilitated through Pilates and/or yoga, to supply a medical referral from a professional practitioner for the customer to participate in any classes or activities. Failure to comply may result in the customer being refused entry to classes. Pure Living Pilates reserves the right to change or cancel classes, hours of operation and all service costs at any time at its sole discretion, without prior notice to members, except as laid out in this agreement and for the term of this agreement. Package is based on an entitlement to use the facilities of Pure Living Pilates, not its actual use. Failure to use the facilities does not release the member from their obligations under this agreement.
Agreement- variations depending on agreement terms are detailed above. Agreements are part of the sales process when purchasing a package. No fees will be charged until you have read and agreed to the respective package you have selected. A printed copy for your records will be in the Studio for you to collect as well as a copy for you to sign for us to keep on record.